Massage Subscription - 90 Minutes
Enjoy 90 minutes of bliss on a regular schedule
Service Description
Indulge in a relaxing 90-minute massage at the convenience of your home. Our skilled therapist uses gentle, flowing techniques to soothe muscles and improve circulation, promoting an overall sense of well-being. At this length, the massage can generally cover all major areas. Additional sessions after your monthly credit are $175.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please notify us 24 hours in advance. Fees will apply for later cancellations. Certain terms and conditions apply to massage therapy services provided and are as follows: All massage sessions are for therapeutic purposes only, such as relaxation and relief of muscular tension. There is zero tolerance for any inappropriate behavior such as sexual advances or intoxication. The massage will be promptly ended by the therapist if inappropriate behavior occurs. The massage therapist does not diagnose medical conditions or prescribe medical treatment. It is the responsibility of the client to seek medical attention from a physician or other medical professional when necessary. It is also the responsibility of the client to disclose any medical conditions or medications to the therapist which may affect the massage therapy session. It is the responsibility of the client to immediately inform the therapist of any pain or discomfort experienced while being massaged, so that the therapist can adjust the pressure and/or strokes to the client’s level of comfort. It is the responsibility of the client to contact the massage therapist at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule or cancel a previously scheduled appointment. Late clients are subject to shorter sessions to fit the scheduled time slot. Clients who cancel less than 24 hours in advance and no-show clients are subject to a cancellation fee up to the full price of their appointment. Please allow for adequate space when booking a massage in your home or business. This requires a minimum of 70 sq feet in order to accommodate a massage table and for the therapist to move freely around the table. Certain restrictions apply to homes/businesses with limited access such as steep staircases or narrow hallways/alleys, as the therapist will be carrying large equipment. The therapist does not travel to all locations. Please call or e-mail with questions regarding service to your area.
Contact Details
Bellevue, WA, USA